The best reasons on why you need to go travelling after graduating from school
You´ve finished school, got your degree and now what? Most young people either start a job or choose to go to university. And yet, there is another option which may lead you to even better experiences: going travelling. It is indeed a common choice to take some time off after school to go abroad and explore new countries. But let´s take this even further: travelling after school one of your best chances in life. And here is why:
It allows you to get to know yourself better
Yes, some of these reasons may sounds cheesy, but they are nothing less than the truth. During school, most students are lost in the different subjects. The only goal is graduation and to continue their own journey. And still, it is a common problem: you just got out of school, and you don´t know where to go. You do not know what life is about and how to handle this new stage of adulthood you´ve just entered.
And you know what? You do not need to know. Unfortunately, the school systems do not prepare the students for what comes next and you are forced to find out on your own. But in order to do that and to not mess up on the way, you need to find more about yourself first. The chapter of “getting to know yourself” usually starts after graduation. You begin to ask yourself the questions of “What is it, that I really want to do?” “What am I even good at?”. And the best way to find answers and to take some time for yourself is to go travelling.

You´ ll never have that much spare time again
This might be on eof the most important points on the list of why you need to go travelling after school. Depending on your choice of career, a lack of time will be one of the biggest obstacles for longer travels in the future. University requires a lot of studying and after graduating, you will be dependent on your annual vacation time. To put it short: there is not much time for longer trips around the globe anymore.
Which leads us to the next reason on why the time after school is the best for some travelling abroad. This is the time in your life, where you can choose completely freely. You have (usually) months of free time before your next chapter start. Why not filling these months with something you love, like exploring the world?
Looking back in a few years, when you are in the middle of your career and got your focus elsewhere, you´ll definitely going to thank yourself for taking that time back then. And what could be worse than regrets?
It is better not to risk it and take your chance when you get it.
It gives you more time to figure out your next steps
Almost every young adult is in the same situation. They finished school and they are not expected to know exactly what they want to do and who they want to be. Yes, this may be the dream of parents, teachers and families. But the reality is different. Most young people do not know what path to take. They are insecure about what to choose and where to go.
And the worst you could possibly do is to rush that decision. It is totally okay to not know it. Because you know what? You are not alone. It is best to accept that you are still unsure where life leads you and to take some time for that decision. Even though, you might not come back from your travels knowing 100% what career to take, you will still feel more clarity and understanding.
Travelling gives you uncountable new experiences and insights into new areas of life you did not even know existed. Through these experiences and moments, you will slowly find your very own way. Maybe you become clearer about a career choice or maybe you find a completely new passion of yours. Basically, anything is possible and once you leave for an adventure abroad, you will understand what this is all about. Promise!

Number 1 reasons why you need to go travelling after school: It is finally time to live your life and do what you want
During our teenage years and during the final years before graduation, we come to feel more and more trapped. Trapped in our hometown, trapped in things we do not want to do and trapped in our small bubble. It seems reasonable, that most young people cannot wait to finish school and finally do what they want to do.
After some hard time studying and waiting for life to really start, you have absolutely earned a little fun. If you have always been dreaming of one specific thing to do or one experience to have, this is the best time. If you love to travel, do it. You have waited long enough to be able to make that choice freely and simply go wherever your heart takes you.
Travelling is your chance to meet new people from all around the world
What could be a better reason to go travelling after school than meeting new people? Especially if you go budget travelling, the world is basically yours. On busses, in the hostels and homestays, you will meet the most amazing people. Most of them are going to be your age which allows you to make new friends and new connections.
As it is common, especially in Europe, the United States and Australia, to go travelling for some time in the beginning of your twenties, you will meet like-minded people. People you can share experiences from and people who can inspire you. Travelling will therefore not only be one big experience but as well the door to let new people into your life. And we all need that after school, don’t we?

A wise reason on why you need to go travelling after school: it prepares you for adulthood
Surely, you spent the time during school at your parents’ house. You stayed with them in your safe shelter and did not learn much about living on your own. Once you drop out of school, you will realize that there is a lot more to life than what they taught you in the classroom.
And most of that stuff about adulthood cannot be studied. It can only be learned through experiences, faults and failings. By going travelling, you decide to get all the experiences out there. You decide to be on your own and overcome challenges. Travelling really does help you grow and learn. Some might even say, travelling is the greatest teacher of all time.
You will learn how to be on your own. You will learn how to communicate better, how to solve problems and how to cope with bad situations. Yes, during a trip there are a lot of unexpected situations awaiting you. There are a lot of obstacles you did not prepare yourself for. But instead of seeing it from a negative point of view, try to see the good in it. Try to see your trip as a chance to grow and learn.
Because one rule seems to be true anytime: the person who went travelling always comes back wiser and stronger than the person who stayed at home. Let that sink in.

You can easily combine travelling with working
You really want to go travelling after school but you are lacking the money? Do not worry. Because there is nothing easier than combining travelling the world with some working on the side to pay for the expenses. The best choice in such a situation is to go to a country which allows Work and Travel. You need a special visa to be able to work and earn money abroad. Countries such as New Zealand, Australia and Canada are most popular for these trips.
Instead of working in your hometown, this could be your biggest chance of leaving your bubble and see something new. Plus, working abroad in a new country is always more fun.
If you need any more information on travelling without money, click here or learn about the best insiders for budget travelling in this guide.
The question is: why miss out on it and not go travelling after school?
Instead of adding even more reasons to the list of why you should go travelling after graduation from school, let´s just put it this way: why should you not do it?
Even if you really know what you want to study and what you want to do after school, a gap year can be the right choice. Spending time with yourself, getting new experiences abroad and filling your soul with adventures is only going to be a benefit.
So the question is: what are you waiting for and where do you book your first plane ticket to?